Last (but not least) from
"The one under your bed"
Lot of complexities for this one (anatomy and drapery are pretty difficult) but I like the final result 🖤🎃🖤

Rt trully appreciate for this big illustration 🧡🖤🧡

11 27

Evil Goat de la liste de pour le
Un peu brute mais ravi d'avoir fait ça en moins de temps que d'habitude.

11 32

Hi, Second Illustration for the following

prompt list
Evil Goat, lot of fun painting that piece, especially the gate (but also very chalenging)

Rt still appreciate for this cute goat 🐐

9 55

Hi, First Illustration for the following prompt list
Winged Nightmare 🦇

Rt Truly appreciate for this big illustration 🎃

32 88