Daily routine of a self-employed girlboss!😎
6:00 AM: Wake up
6:30 AM: soyface until I dislocate my jaw for thumbnails
8:30 AM: Coffee
9:30 AM: Coffee
10:30 AM: Coffee
1:00 PM: Maybe stream
5:00 PM: Feed Winslow
6:00 PM: Maybe eat (probably doordash)
7:00 PM: Filter through… https://t.co/VzZfT13MFp

49 814

>irl friend wants to watch the fuckin Rings of Power because some soyface youtuber shilled for it

3 33

I’ve said this before but TMNT is the one franchise I unabashedly soyface over. Like I can sit down and enjoy any piece of TMNT related media. And I mean ANY.

2 22

Mark making the "I wish Tim wasn't doing soyface with Don Rosa" face.

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I found an IRA soyface wojak while doomscrolling Irish unionist Twitter lol

22 365

the first known instance of Soyface

4 71