Told me how to get the file to show you my ‼️ It's now time to Rice Cooking Up That Nood MFers‼️#NoodPilot

2 6

It’s unCANny how much I ❤️ tuna

3 42

New Fleet! where my SpaceNoods at? Lesgoooo!

19 97

My just cruisin' in space in his takeout box🥢

0 36

My went to space recently and i couldnt have had a better experience!🚀To be a approved derivative by the Doodles is already amazing, but to now use their wrapping tech to create spaceships with some foody twists has been such a fun time and unique way.

0 2

Cup noodles, a staple for the most nostalgic ship on the market.

Come join us on our expedition!!

4 16

Infinity & beyond we have made it thanks to Team

2 18

Were on the way to the moon gang see you all there

4 29

People told me the sky was the limit, I told them to look up 🔭 🛸

4 33

Finally started my journey into space 🚀 Thank you
for the smooth launch

3 36

The one and only Skelly Ape is officially in space!

5 33

Green nood made it on his pickleship too!

5 40