A great career from private sector to governmental body NASA, for the new Chief Technologist . development is essential to sustain & 🚀🛰️#Space Img https://t.co/2gOVYTszYA https://t.co/6Bk03rui7V

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White paper, ‘China’s Space Program: A 2021 Perspective’: Tiangong by Xinhua/eyevine ; ZhengHe to visit an to be launched 2024 ; Hubble-class Xuntian telescope by CSNA. More on https://t.co/IJotCKUIRE

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Le déploiement de Galileo touche à sa fin avec un lancement le 2 décembre 2021 et deux en 2022 https://t.co/LzMM7ZB2AS Img2 liste des constellations https://t.co/w0hNbsjswh

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I wld highlight the event «NATO conference» with U.S. President: « In Dec2019, NATO leaders declared space to be the alliance’s “fifth domain” of operations, after land, sea, air & cyberspace» Img Ben Garrison GRRRGraphics https://t.co/TpWnMVziRA

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Planet is our ship...our and when you have more than one chief onboard a ship to give orders, it is a mess Img from GetDrawings https://t.co/vsiVJmRMR6

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A billionaire race, of course, but a race, certainly. They will give to what those who are devoted to rhetoric could not for Img colony in a Martian crater by James Vaughan https://t.co/siZwU8YSfi

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Because new has high level of complexity & multiple technological challenges, time & cost initial objectives are mainly impossible to achieve👷🏼‍♂️👷🏻‍♀️No magic wand🧚🏽‍♀️ Taxpayers are not ripped off finally https://t.co/Uvn1i8lWZ0

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Terrible to see that scientists or engineers are sometimes the first to create limitations to themselves. That should be not if we want that is progressing https://t.co/5VwOskPBxj

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