Sorry for the late posting cuz its almost Christmas right now but hey! DAY 20 AND 21 OF A CRAZY TO !! Jim Carrey has the perfect energy of Spamton so.....why not two of his characters?!?

Have a [[Holly Jolly Christmas~]] and [[BIG SHOT]] time there!!~

46 237

DAY 18 OF LOVELY TO !! Look......there's two of them......two of them......two not separate them, always bring them in pairs

Have a jolly [BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG SHOT]] day or night there!!~

45 240

HAVE A HOLLY JOLLY DAY 16 OF TO !!! Oh God help, my NEO is laughing way too hard again that it's echoing, there's literally THREE of 'em now!

Have a [[BIIIIIIIG SHOT]] and blast time over there!!~

13 100

Day 52
[[HOCHI MAMA]]!! There's 400 of you now!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Never thought I'd get this far!! Seriously ya'll!!!

9 53

HAVE A DAY 14 OF A MERRY TO !!! Spamtons are crazy proud and supportive of each other, have no idea why my Spamtom is walking around shirtless but good for him!

Have a [[BIG SHOT]] anytime, anyplace!~

17 138

DAY 13 OF LOVELY TO WITH A FEATURE OF THEIR LOVELY SUITE ROUTE AU!!~ with a feature guest of the one and only Noelle Holiday!! welp its almost the festivities right now too so better prepare!

have a [[BIG SHOT]] time over there!~

31 227

DAY 11 OF A LOVELY JOLLY TO !!! Which one of these.....lovely cutesy Spamton bunnies will you pick up and kiss!!~ Don't know which to pick? Just love em both!

Have a [[BIG SHOT]] time over there!!

5 52

Target in my [[sight for sore eyes]]

3 28

i forgot about twt for like 8 days HAJSH

1 7

ARE YOU WATCHING [Heaven]?! yeah so I actually tried today. This can be kinda seen as Christmas-ish right? with all the angels and stuff? yeah sure. spamcember day 5 prompt: spamton.

1 1

PLEASE READ OUR [[TermsOfService]] BEFORE [Consume].

5 59

Day 42
Oh, LIGHT neR< of M
Oh, LIGHT neR< of M, O
Oh, LIGHT neR< of M

6 24