Woowoo more art finally :]

I love drawing spamton sm

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And some closeups of the stuff I liked!

Front facing spamton continues to unnerve the hell out of me. Perfect 👌😂

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This is my very, very first Spamton NEO posts & contents I created. Have at it, Spamton enjoyers.
Your preferred depiction Spamton NEO in either Pacifist/Snowgrave Route. You pick.

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Spamton WIPS for a little somthing I've been working on these past few days. I expect to probably get it done by tomorrow, but until then have these breadcrumbs.

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just wanted to doodle out a meme eheh, my lil magpie bastard.

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classes have me busy so this was pretty rushed
either way, i offer you an array of spamtons to stare at :)

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