Dennis is the bassist of asexual rock band, Vanilla.
I adopted him and his boyfriend, Thom, from someone on dA; both were originally designed by the ever-so-talented mikky_be on Insta.

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More ace stuff. Some aces are repulsed by sex (like I am), and some aren't.

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Kicking off Asexual Awareness Week with my gay asexual couple, Keenan and Evan. <3

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CW: blodd, intestines, bones
Pastel gore with my pastel goth, Pascal

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I'm asexual and proud!!! Thank you Pieces of Ace and Slice of Ace for making me feel incredibly validated!

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Misc art

1. Theatre kids, Alec and Jamal

2. Beach date featuring Jasper (gerbil, mine) and Joseph (belongs to HiryuRein on dA)

3. Vent art of me from August

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Ben x Todd Content

1. Picnic date; change of scenery

2. Double date with Terrence and Nathan (belonging to miss.biffle on Instagram)

3. Ben comforting Todd with a shoulder massage.

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Just a simple drawing showing off the hubs' physical differences.

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Recent Art
Depressed Aaron and soldier squirrel, Derek (whom I adopted from Spookz on Th/miss.biffle on Insta), plus his daughter.

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Sunny and Mitch in 1968. They couldn't be themselves in public, sadly. Any alone time they could get together was like heaven.

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Leif comforting his best bud, Conner. Conner's having one of his depressive moods; dysphoria and/or trauma making him feel like shit.

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Some furry couples.
Gabe (gray chipmunk) belongs to miss.biffle on Insta/Spookz on TH.

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Recent art.
1 - Teenage Ben w/ Uncle Simba
2 - Ben, Todd, and Nic at the beach
3 - Nic

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Inspired by "Ride the Lightning" by Metallica; though this is more of a literal take on the title than it is a reference to the actual lyrics.

Dylan is sure give a shocking performance. *badum tiss*

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Drew some of my OCs as Animal Crossing villagers (including suggestions from friends on Discord)

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I know it's not Father's Day, but enjoy a magical moment between my best dad duo.

I swear, this isn't meant to be naughty. 


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Some expressions and whatnot with my hippie man, Sunny. He was inspired by and named after my previous cat (rest in peace, irl Sunny). Sunny normally has a resting bitch face.

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