Regalito de cumpleaños para Eres de las personas más amables y bonitas que he conocido 💖🫂 y perdón no me salió tan bottom(? fufhufv
Gracias por todo 🥹💖

6 145


Bad irene🤭❤

3 36

Jesperica The Grim Reaper. And the person on the floor is another oc I'm going to draw. His name is Don Campbell, being picked up by Jesperica, but what Don didn't know is Jesperica going to kill after turning him into a zombie. Here are 3 alternatives.

0 1

Congrats on the 20k!!!
Hi, I’m Speric and I like to draw mice and anything that’s cute

2 7

rewatching super fun time just as an excuse to draw them

17 135

Buongiorno a tutti!

La donna è il più bel fiore della primavera
e vola tra alberi di sogni.
Io invece cammino tribolata
su e giù per questa mia città rattrappita
che non vede il tuffo spericolato
della mia povera anima. -Alda Merini

Daria Petrilli

101 182