Character Spotlight! Baphomet's hunger for power is insatiable. He wants to shatter all the spirit spheres in to harness and wield their incredible power! That greed, however, will cost him dearly... *thunder crackling*

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Character Spotlight! Fennel's from another dimension and is ADDICTED to racing, preferably with explosions involved. He wants to win a match to modify his engine with said spirit sphere!!

PS: Guess from which game this fella is from?

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Character Spotlight! Taya was always jealous of her sister Lin's strength, which is why she was lured in my Baphomet's promise of power. Now, cursed with an unapproachable body of fire she wishes to win a match to be free once more.

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Character Spotlight! Nobody knows his real name so everyone in just refers to him as "Dwarf". He'll gladly tell you that his axe is called Felicia though... And that he loves her very much. Perhaps too much.

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Character Spotlight! Kao was cursed by Baphomet and is hoping to win a match to wish for the curse to be lifted. Despite his misfortune Kao remains cheerful and constantly plays his flute to frolic about with the local wildlife.

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