Beacon of Light – 30min. spitpaint.. working out some scenes from my comic, the dudes at the bottom are about to have a bad day.


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Growing Organs – 30min spitpaint.. bit of a mess, I don't like how uniform the body came out, but he definitely has a lot of, ah, spares growing...

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One Red Wing – 30min. spitpaint...quite a few things I wish I did different, but I guess the overall feel is there..sorta? Happy with the head at least and I know what I'd fix/adjust time-permitting, or at the very least how I'd approach it next time.

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Teleport Spell – 30min. spitpaint...not super happy with the mage but I liked the effects lol... wanted to try having the material forms convert into beams of energy .. or uh something like that... yeah... :)

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Two White Dragons – 30min. spitpaint..First spitpaint of the year, just been swamped with everything so I figured I'd keep this simple ^_^

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Biomech Engineer – 30min. spitpaint. This felt a lot better after my first run at this theme, still a mess but I like the foundation of where it's at. Might work on this more for another project I have brewing.

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One Ear / Charmed Monster / Under Lighting – 30min. spitpaint... tried making a piece with 3 out of 4 of today's themes, not the most successful but it was still a pretty fun attempt :)

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Summoned Armor – 30min. spitpaint... Man it's been over 2 months since I had time to do one of these. So out of practice...but at least it's still fun :)

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Luminescent Insect – 30min. spitpaint... what originally was gonna be a dangly glow worm of sorts morphed into some immobile queen with a giant glowing gaster, laying these jewel-like eggs :) Fun times for sure

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Under a Hood – 30min. spitpaint... a bit low hanging fruit, nothing fancy but I wanted to do something a little more relaxing tonight, had a bit of a stressful yeah, fiery Grim Reaper dude with fun glowy eyes and things :)

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Future Wargames – 30min. spitpaint.. Find Edges and Gaussian Blur were the MVPs for this one, that and the last minute additions of those small groups of short lines to create more orbiting ship arrays. I like adding visual noise to things.

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Red Tattoos – 30min. spitpaint...technically just 'tattoo', singular, but eh... :)


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Rise of the Dark Terror – 30min. spitpaint...don't do work distracted, well for timed pieces at least..wanted a high-key element in the foreground with some amorphous demigod in the background...should've made it larger and blurrier hehe

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Time Travel Ship – 30min. spitpaint... quantum fields holding a collapsing star which bends spacetime in front while dragging the ship through, creating echoes of its current and future selves... or something... I'm tired.... haha

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Polar Owlbear – 30min. spitpaint... I'm bad at bears and owls, so why not combine the two and be bad at both at the same time? :)

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Tiny Footprints – 30min. spitpaint... another blobby thing with bloody, spiky legs :)

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Belt-Fed Gun – 30min. spitpaint...One of those kinda days

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"Spiked Knuckles" -30min. spitpaint. Hiding the crimes with overlay and making it 'artistic' by keeping the body incomplete to save time lol. Favorite part was drawing the wounds.

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A few of my favorite timed 30-minute I did from 5+ years ago. The Facebook Group is called

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Sinking Into the Ooze – 30min. spitpaint.. All hail Juiblex! I really like Gelatinous Cubes ^_^

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