spittake night in the woods playthrough when
anyway here are the boys as nitw characters !!!
milo is a possum and bizly is a bear

46 151

Oh jesus christ lord almighty he has RISEN

25 138

repost because waghagah twitter didnt put it on the tag before

GIVEGULP? (spittake swap au))
((this name is stolen from @/b1zzybeebeans btwz lol

5 22

i gave up on drawing bizly im sorry

12 78

I made this the first time spitweek happened but I never posted it

2 15

i put the pokemon videos on the background while i draw and its giving me so much nostalgia since ruby was my first pokemon game

3 17

Fellow zigzagoon enjoyer!!

Design? Flawless. Cry? Adorable. Move pool? Phenomenal. Pickup ability? GOOD AND IDC IF IT'S IMPRACTICAL

20 162

i have not drawn them ever i am so sory

9 70

where are the spitters its mario sunshine time

2 13

the goblins got to me (i cannot explain what possesed me to construct this)

9 35

the spittake re7 playthrough, but milo is a little creecher

20 102

most unserious horror game protagonists

71 447

holy shit!!! guys look!! it's spittake!!

38 271

// implied undertale spoilers. watch out bizly

"Sorry, it's just funny...
That's my wish, too."

58 385

(i was lazy with the background okay ksjdjks)

6 31

It's his own personal hell.

1 11

you're telling me they spit on this take?


18 86

They have become critters.

8 134