Among a thousand other cool things, draws a mean Lady Shiva. Follow him for some side-splitting, gore-splattering comics!

3 11

. 『ィカちゃんニット大きな胸笑顔飛び散る飛沫』
(Dika Knit big breast smile splattering splashes)

1 0

Intense game with blood splattering even on the audience seats.

71 430

She likes fiery fights with blood splattering.

138 967

Corn baby^^ make the lose icon just a light green substance splattering everywhere. It's a reference to if you throw them and they make contact with something they explode into a greenish liquid with corn chunks flying everywhere

0 3

I my sword in the side
The creature screams
It's tail collides with my kitchen table splattering the wall with my favorite teapot and blueberry
Why do creatures always materialize before I've had my toast?

7 40

Going to be having a pre-splatfest splattering in in 40 minutes~
Come and watch!!

2 3

Sometimes emotions just won’t come and sometimes I can’t stop them from splattering all over my art. Now the dam is open to the point I can’t continue. So this is the end and I m broken.


2 41

Tried to draw blood splattering out

2 26

June 11th is day and I'm going to participate. Today we show our "gothic# mushroom pinup.

0 2

coloring? more like splattering tones here and there.

58 425

🧡: writing can be tiring but at least i can get away with it under my pen name. how have you been, brother?
💛: oh you know, the usual. splattering yellow onto the canvas as i investigate a man’s demise.
🧡: … what?

0 2

Soft phil
Trying to nail down a cleaner painting style instead of my usual haphazard splattering of lines

3 21

Sometimes I forget how far I have come. The left is from November 1998, I was 14. I remember thinking I would never accomplish anything, mainly because my mom said I wouldn't. from this year says otherwise.

0 3

Forgot to share this one. I was just splattering inks. I did make all these inks tho! ☺️

0 9

Jun 7 2020, my first commission work that I posted online

composition was so bad and colors just splattering everwhere. the monster was suppossed to be Gogmazios lmao

2 28