Oh yes, welcome to an adult world that full with commitment, problems and to good to be true! 😈 Hahahahahahha!!!

0 1

Macam mana keputusan Spm korang? Kepada yang dapat keputusan Spm tu tak kira apa pun hasilnya, Tahniah!

Apapun keputusan yang korang dapat, berlapang dada dan jangan lupa untuk terus berusaha ke arah kejayaan!

0 1

I just finish my biggest examination and there's new RONDO event tomolo OMG

0 2

Currently me right now

109 519

"please state why animal fats will be harmful to the heart arter-"

i think i went into the wrong room i thought i was taking the chemistry exam not the biology exam.

141 562

week 1 of week 2 pls fix your damn questions

9 41

The pengawas everytime i move my hand ✋

0 5

30/50 of Ewelynn, player character of in Relics campaign

2 13

28/50 of Secret, player character of from the Relics DnD campaign

3 9

27/50 of Ohm, a player character of in the Relics campaign

1 8

25/50 of Antonius Augustus from Cascade Chronicles DnD campaign

0 10

23/50 of Attros turning his Rod of Mercurial Form (also his arcane firearm as an artillerist) into a rapier

As the silver rod twists and turns in his hand into the form of a bird taking flight, its wings wrap around into a a guard and from its beak extends a blade.

0 10

21/50 of Mikey
"Don't forget the most important part."

1 10

17/50 of Hibernating Megaman X

Thanks to everyone that came by for the art stream! I'll be doing up a few more streams later this month and taking requests for speedpaints to grind my way to that 50!

3 13

12/50 pf the Reina from M.A.S.S. Builder by

1 10