me depending on me when
index numbers n theyre hard
linear progression

268 1124

4 days to get ready for the final fight with addmath, we can do this '05🤞🏻

48 218

Me at the Ministry of Education and the peeps who made History Ramalan Papers.
Nasib baik boleh jawab tau sebab last minute baca sebelum masuk hhhh

0 6

No CLC and Sistem Ahli

1 6

Me writing about for the online games that I like to play for the article writing in English paper 2.

2 16

eng P2 part 3 in a nutshell

0 7

paper 2 for English be like:

1 6

kepada semua calon spm esok..
💪 Semoga Berjaya and Selamat Menjawab Ujian SPM!!

to all spm takers tommorow..
all the best and don't give up! 💪

[Yushi Annual Reward for Students who get A: Free Stuff from Yushi!]

good luck~

16 107

For my pentaksir, this is for you. Thanks for helping me, ily

2 6

What everyone's post be like

119 565