画質 高画質

Da igual cual sea el personaje, siempre tendra la misma forma

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Ambos tienen la misma misión secreta, claro que eso implica una cena y flores entre ellos

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: actually stuff of that nutcracker AU since my barbie movie marathon hyped me up

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Yesterday I read a oneshot with Kevin cake and jelly Streber. I really liked it and I even had a slight desire to draw

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Here they are! The sillies of the century! Ellie is my own oc, but Judas belongs to a different friend of mine! As for Seph, I designed them and they are an oc for my bestie 💖💖💖💖💖💖

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i rewatched aristocats and was like. “ey, carmen could totally play that harp.” so here we ARE 🎼


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я слишком сильно полюбила итана в последнее время.
особенно в новой анимации от Sr Pelo.

I've fallen in love with Ethan too much lately, especially after the new Sr Pelo animation...

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