Hedcanon №66,6: Leon and Liv snore loudly, Streber drools in sleep and poor Ethan is tryING TO JUST HAVE A SLEEP—..

3 14

When it comes to Spooky Month, I try to imitate the drawing of the series
But I tried to draw Leon in my own style! he will always be a cutie~ 💗💗💗💗

3 18

Not sorry for the claw marks that I left behind.😹 https://t.co/vC2Oy8PnoV

2 12

I headcanon Leon as a boxer when they were still young because I can >:)
Last slide art belongs to compradito0088! Love that guy

4 29

Uhhh uhhhhhhh uhhhhhhh random hyperfixation..???? For real tho I don't know what I'm doing at 2am
((buff Leon being canon tho 😭-))

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