"Hello Spring!" by

Print available at https://t.co/i1anuo5EJm

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"The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the flowers are in full bloom. Welcome to the joys of
"David the and by Rien Poortvliet (1932-1995), from the "#GnomeLife" (1976) Written by Wil Huygen

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Kept you waiting, huh?

Phew, the week was rough.
Also I forgot to post a piece when it was done, so here it goes. A rather shiny and colourful gem, emitting "It's Spring!" vibes.


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There's warmth in the air as we start Book 6.5, "Chaser and the Herald of Spring!" What will Goh uncover in Unova shortly after confessing his feelings to Chloe?
FFnet: https://t.co/SXVYQD0mk5
AO3: https://t.co/iEVtoXJXHp
Wattpad: https://t.co/QSse3ua9t3

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"I'm really looking forward to spring!"

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"Let us dance and celebrate all day and night, and thank the divinities for granting us this warm spring!"

A skeb commission I got from with ! Thank you very much!!!

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"Bolson Construction! What's our credo?! With seven colors of paint...
Buildings bloom like the spring!"

Happy pride month everyone! 🌈

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"Listen up, because I'm only going to say this once... Have a very "hoppy" spring!"

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[ 至シト • citoita • ]

"a great in early spring!"
"it's a date."
"non non! I'm with a great person, I'm not wrong!"
" Pfft- God that was so bad."

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"HARURUNRUN" from "THE IDOLM CINDERELLA GIRLS MASTER SEASONS SPRING!" (関裕美 (会沢紗弥), 水本ゆかり (藤田茜), 棟方愛海 (藤本彩花))


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"HARURUNRUN" from "THE IDOLM CINDERELLA GIRLS MASTER SEASONS SPRING!" (関裕美 (会沢紗弥), 水本ゆかり (藤田茜), 棟方愛海 (藤本彩花))


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"Come to Kitauji and you'll look *this* photogenic lying on a park bench in spring!"

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"Spring Screaming"/喜多見柚, 本田未央 , 龍崎薫 from "THE IDOLM CINDERELLA GIRLS MASTER SEASONS SPRING!"

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A little doodle for something. "Spring!"

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Some Drawings inspired by fanfiction "Offspring!" (*^▽^*)

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"How about a big Olympic "hello" for Springy, the Springfield Spring!"

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": Quote this with a picture from your favorite anime this past spring!"

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