"Akai Haato" should be in such a state now.
"She is playing with herspring-loaded shoes
and looks happy."

37 91

('s Springjaw)

3 17

. 『ゼンマイ仕掛けの少女』
(Spring-loaded girl)

0 1

Zoe underestimates her sister's knack for spring-loaded traps.

12 66

A spring-loaded Jenny packing a punch this !

2 6

Negator The Spring-loaded man!
Wound up super tight to tackle the toughest cases, Negator can unwind when necessary with a push of his buckle! Springshot bullets expand violently in his targets and another press of the release belt can wind this detective right back up to form!

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The prototype had a spring-loaded boxing glove...

6 8

So it just donned upon me that one important detail on Rabiyono's render art from last year is missing... her comically large spring-loaded bunny tail.

So I had to improvise.

4 11

Saidos transforms into a robotic rhinoceros. In either mode, inserting a  Force Chip into his key slot activates his spring-loaded Bloody Horn, is overall lighter, with a mainly medium-gray body, silvery beast mode legs, plus coppery.

5 22

Galaxy Force Runabout retool of the Micron Densetsu Stepper, Runabout transforms into a Nissan Skyline R32 street car with exposed engine block. Inserting a Cyber Key into his engine activates his spring-loaded transformation to "dragster" mode.

3 20

BW Sandstorm is a grey/brownish and orange redeco of Scorponok, transforming into a fairly organic but highly inaccurate scorpion. The right pincer contains a small, spring-loaded "Cyberbee" drone.

3 21

Windrazor is a white-with-purple-accents redeco of the Maximal Silverbolt, transforming into an eagle-wolf hybrid creature. His wings have spring-loaded missile launchers.

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Sharp Edge is a retool of Cybershark, transforming into a sawshark. The toy incorporates two spring-loaded gimmicks; the "saw" portion of the shark head fires like a missile, and the tail includes a spring-loaded switchblade weapon.

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Apache identical to Beast Wars Mega Class B'Boom, transforming into a mandrill. His beast mode face has spring-activated features, with a revealed spring-loaded missile launcher in his mouth.

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Wingstunt redeco of the Machine Wars Skywarp/Thundercracker mold, Wingstun transforms from a Dassault Rafale fighter jet to robot mode with a single-step, spring-loaded transformation.

3 18

Universe Skywarp is a redeco of Beast Machines Jetstorm in his Generation 1 colors. He transforms into a Cybertronic fighter jet, armed with two spring-loaded projectile launchers that can fire orange "energon" bolts. These launchers end up in his arms in robot mode.

5 22

Removing A Blood From The

🧠The wire pokes through the obstructing blood clot as a guide for the catheter

🧠The wire is retracted and replaced by the clot-removing device

🧠The catheter is pulled back, allowing the spring-loaded device to open and snatch the clot

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