Every one complaining about Alear hair being toothpaste when we had springman first

0 2

springjaw had their time in the sun, now its springMANS turn

1 104

hi guys....... comes back from the dead and drops this

(pink spring man design by teehee)

11 25

Mega Man Battle Network OC Navi - SpringMan.EXE

1 1

アメリカの元外交官Michael Springmannが、2018年にTwitterで公開した「Uncle Sam and his friends」というイラストは実に的確だ。4年前でもウクライナは犬のフンとして捉えていたが、今はなおさら欧米の操り人形に。ゼレンスキ―大統領の決断力は、粉による酩酊状態の時に発揮されるといったところか。

119 274

springman -> springman.exe: glow up or blow up?

27 319

4 years ago, American diplomat J. Michael Springman posted a cartoon on Twitter about the "friends" of the United States...#Ukraine️

8 37

The only Kinnikuman Characters without theme songs are Springman, Atlantis , Sneagator , and Junkman from the Original Toei Anime

6 15

The most Mainstream Kinnikuman moment was when Masahiro Sakurai Reference Springman スプリングマン and スプリングマン have the same kanjis with the Min Min Smash Bros fighter demonstration

4 5

Shaggy alternative universe

his name is Jacksonville "Shaggy" Pringleton, or Jack S. Pringle for short (also known as Springman) :^)

2 10

he needs to catch the FUCKING TRAIn

20 46