'It was nothing more than rhythm. A cycle. She could bear it, because she had born it before. She would do so again. Because the light was worth it. Even in the knowledge of coming darkness.'

by Seven Springrain

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Every time i see this stupid t-posing ass bitch i get upset that we can't have that coloration of the springrain staff >:C

Also the faces on the new dryad models don't match the style of the game?? They look too realistic.

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Some of you may be missing Spring, so https://t.co/BOfsqfkl8N brought you a few Wajas who are shining a light at the end of this cold, Winter tunnel!

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🌧 Spring showers 🌧
I imagine Bernie loving the rain 💕🥺

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Brand new pattern inspired of the fruit and flowers that a spring rain can bring. Strawberries are one of my favorite fruits and one of the first gifts of spring. Available https://t.co/xE9k8ohJaR

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(Cr.ratnayeol || Origin.Springrain_dw)
😭😭😭😭 สวยจังเลยยยยย 😭😭😭😭

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