Awhile ago a dear friend of mine drew my and the rest of the squadfam's Sheps in bunny costumes coloured by the endings we chose. Love that for them

Look how pretty! 🥺 Dis her tumblr

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Holy crap Lois i'm a minecraft!

Squadfam let this be a lesson that just because you can doesn't mean you should, i regret everything

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thinking ab making him my main mascot (with more clothes maybe) what r we thinking squadfam

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Going live with some Temtem.

It's my first time playing it.

I finally added more to my streamgifts too 🤗

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Big House Teaser.
It's all coming up P̶r̶o̶o̶f̶y̶y̶ gucci.

0 9

i also have the best squadfam out there ;;;;W;;;; thanks for being the absolutely sweetest pals a bun could ask for!!!! 💞💞💞

3 23

First time in VR, I might be obsessed. It is way too much fun and I am horrible at it! Come experience my lopsided mayhem! 1 Hour Warning 9 pm EST, Giveaways, & switch giveaway active!

5 10

Lol ok so totally dodgeballed me! "That's me grabbing the bull by the's a metaphor......but that actually happened."

Love this! Well done!

4 26

Look into my eyes... Look at my glorious purple hair... Wish it was still purple

I know I promised a schedule... but I did some extra streams last week. I need to take some time and work on my channel and my studies tonight. Love you.

7 37

Stream was amazing today! Finish my first "4k" portrait!

This character was originally suppose to be all about spring, but I end up having her on chains because I have bad allergies and it won't go away. This elf is name "Alexis". Say hi!

2 29

Surprise stream in one hour! It's release day and I will be playing it, thanks to 💜 I can't wait to check it out. See you soon.

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It is hidden puzzle time in the starfield! I hope we can help Mary survive the evil lurking in the dark.
⭐️ ⭐️

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