Nice reference to the last short of the 3rd Rayearth OP

13 55

Are there any specific reasons why the short form of SOB had to be used for this quote?

2 13

Ryoma & Koji are not impressed with Newtypes

15 31 Snark Brokers! is back with more Super Robot Wars T! Time to show off the results of our hard work and guts (and our new massive robot)!

1 2


1 7

Hire me as artist, I can make memes, imagine my robot work!

0 11

A glam inspired by this random nameless secretary character in SRW T.

0 6

The amount of love and attention being directed towards GaoGaiGar in this game is absolutely amazing.

4 16

> 薄いスパロボが厚くなる <
 ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄

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Allenby in Nobel Gundam in SRWT

1 4

Controlling the Great Mazinger in SRWT

2 6

Captain Harlock in SRWT

0 4