Captain's Log, Stardate 47634.44:

An amazing discovery about goblinkind was revealed today after we horribly miscalculated our flight trajectory and ended up very close to the sun.

We're too cute to burn.


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Captain's Log, Stardate 47634.44: This is maybe the most important mission in all of goblin history. This ship will shortly land on the moon and the question that has haunted goblinkind for centuries will finally be answered... can we eat it?


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The Largest Species in the Celestial Alliance Zorians are the backbone of industry and business. They're cultures focus on numbers and money. To humans a Zorian CEO will have one of the 'lowest ranking jobs' to prove they care about every aspect of their company.

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Podcast Log, Stardate 47634.44.
The intrepid TOI crew have made contact with a strange new comic unlike any they've encountered before.

Along with guest , we're talking Marvel's STAR TREK & 5!

The Podcast Adventure is Just Beginning!

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Aangora hail from a warm planet with dense gravity. They are the second largest species in the Celestial Alliance. Despite being a lumbering people they hold great appreciation for art. Young aangora will paint themselves as self expression.

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Rokora. An "All Male" Species. Their fur is highly sensitive allowing them to have near full awareness of their soundings. Because of this they wear little clothing or armor. With a strong military they are a great asset to the Celestial Alliance's fighting force.

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Have you kissed your alien girlfriend today?

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Drexx lay a small cluster of eggs that hatch into larva. They will eat non stopped until they form a chrysalis in a few weeks. These are strung up in a safe location in the home and painted with symbols representing the infant's name &family. Months later they emerge.

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When a Drexx larva molts they are male. Once they become sexually mature they do into rut for some time. After several successful breeding session they mold into a female. They will remain so for a majority of their life until old age where they molt once more.

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Nionova Hatchling. Coming from eggs about the size of a human fist hatchlings have a mane of hair that protects the ventrils (gill-like organs) from dirt or parasites. Also they have a pair mandibles that splits as they mature.

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Nionova Internal Organs. I don't do internal organs often cause I'm not great at biology. But I tried and that's all we can do.

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Random Nionova I was experimenting with.

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Drexx are male at birth until they become sexually mature. The male will go through rut from a few days to several months. It passes when they mold, turning into a female stage. This will last them most of their life. Drexx pheromones smells like cinnamon to humans.

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Some of my recent Nionova pics. A sapient race for my sci Fi setting called Star Date. While physically very different their society and mentality mirrors humans closely. They communicate w/ bioluminescence and spoken language from gill like organs called ventrils.

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NOVA! Look at her! Get a girlfriend with legs like these.

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Main characters of Star Date novel. I got the idea from so I'm kinda a thief. Also used curly hair brushes.

I've got at least 5 chapters outlined. But atm I'm stuck on how to get these gals together. I'll figure it out. But enjoy.

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StarCrossed Lovers? How about Crossing the stars to see your love?

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Ryan Connor. (I need to practice humans more.) Ryan was cryo frozen before first contact. He was woken up 20 years after humans joined the Celestial Alliance. Now Ryan's got to get used to the new time and the fact that aliens are real. He grows close to one named Nova.

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Khalu Pa'hii main Tuo Toa from one of the Star Date story ideas. The story is a young marine biologist studies a new species. She soon realizes there's more to this creature that it seems when she's attacked in the lab. But something bigger is lurking in the dark.

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Another Nova pic. I think i'm going to give her strips because I love stripes. Nionova wear neck ware to show off their ventrils-the gill like organs on the side of their neck.

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