Don't @ me, it's just nice to draw him sad when I'm sad 😔

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It's Jim! ☀️
Not gonna lie, this one did not turn out how I planned (I meant for him to match my earlier Spock but he doesn't quite) but hey, it's all practice
watercolour + coloured pencil on Arches 100% cotton cold pressed paper, 15 x 15 cm

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Amanda teaching Jim how to cook! cuz he never had anyone to teach him as a kid. ✨️🥺
He's got a lot to learn still, rip Amanda's pots 💀

9 33

Gaila, Jim, and Uhura having a girls' night!!! ✨️💅
they're all besties 🥺

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I recently rewatched AOS and augoaguagghgh.

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BLOOM, WITHER // last night's sketchbook scribbles for thinking about death and resurrection and the parallels between Jim and Bones in ST:ID, and the myth of Persephone (the plants are pomegranates)

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yes, i kin james t kirk, how did you know?

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The animated series always have a special place in my heart because of I-Chaya. The big teddy bear who deserves hugs! Another thing that has a place in my heart: Jim's ugly green shirt 💚🖖

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