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Happy Halloween! I wasn’t able to get anything new for Halloween in time but I still wanted to re-share this lovely pic @wLp6O5SImNvTbF9 made featuring Marly and Minerva cosplaying as Aqua and Megumin! Thanks again, everyone stat safe tonight!
Manifesting Hori making My Hero Academia Ultra Analysis version 2 with their adult pro hero stat and design!!!!!
please please please
Tehe! Sama-sama Stat ER paling bagus buat Mbak Faruzan yang mana gaes?
Tehe! Sebenernya ini stat cuman beda tipis, tapi yg paling mending yg mana ya buat Yae? 😓
tehe! ngotak ngatik stat neuvillette...
stat 1 = hp 32k cdmg 233%
stat 2 = hp 39k cdmg 189%
klo gini mending gede hp atau cdmg?😔
Trio ini tuh memang demen banget sama stat ATK ya? 🥲
Must be that high Luck stat of his.
❝...Let's do this then.❞
Removing his right-hand glove, he grasped her hand in his and began the revised incantation for contracting. https://t.co/u45x34hWjH
Went back and forth on whether to include stat blocks, but I'm not gonna inflict that kinda crunchy meta on the story.
ni foto2 simpenan bapak yang diupload di stat wA belio😁coba tebak tuan muda dmn