Here's adult Byrethiah, and daughter from Breeding Doe. She thicc like a pixar mom 😍

2 9

And of course I cannot miss this one XD!!!

For the Shelter/Quarrel
Title: Conquer Your Enemy

10 49

Alastor took 48 minutes to compose and type out his text, and now he can't figure out how to send it 😔

95 575

For the Shelter/Quarrel
Title: Conquer Your Enemy😈❤️!
Alastor's tentucles gone a litte too far 😅🤣

68 394

For the "Isolation/Passion"
In the name of this sad TV boy's happiness🥺📺❤️!!!

13 100

This is a drawing I did some time ago when I read 's fanfics on his Patreon. So, seeing the chapter is up on AO3 and I got V's blessing, I post it. This is fanart for the BossaNova.Exe fanfiction

24 146

this half of Day 2 is complete and its got ANGST xD

Im always a sucker for the heartbroken goodbyes xD.....
I wonder if I should do bloopers of this, you know..cause I cant stand Al could ever leave Vox xD

Enjoy chiwdren!

21 114

Meet my / fan kid, the twins, Ronin (♀️) & Ronan (♂️) 😘

63 435