Day 91/100
Day 1/10 BIRDS
The last prompt and the last 10 days of the challenge! I can’t believe it! It’s been fun. Though, I highly recommend breaking it into 10 day segments.
Here is a Toucan to kick it off!

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Day 82/100
Day 1/10 - FISH my 9th prompt

Goldfish have so much character. Love the goldy yellows and pearly colours. So pretty!

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Day 9/10 of my prompt - CHAIRS
The finale of my CHAIR prompt. It’s a little minimalist due to lack of time but note it has both a cat and a dog sitting on it.

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Day 60/100
Day 9/10 of my prompt - Teapots
Art Deco teapots, the shapes and patterns are amazing so here are my take on some of the ones I stumbled across.

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Day 53/100
Day 2/10 of my prompt - Teapots
Japanese tea is such a delicacy, I was lucky enough to partake in a Japanese Tea Ceremony in Tokyo, it’s etched in my mind!

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