for sure, These Dragons are with everyone, Always Down for A time , And i might be a little Biased but GetSkamed.eth might be the star of Season 2 😉

5 22

What do you say when you run into a two-headed dragon?

Hello, hello 😜

5 26

WWWOOOOOAAAAHHH i may be a little biased but this is Looking GOOOOOD 😍🥰🐉

3 22

What do you do with a blue dragon?

Try to cheer them up! 😜

5 19

It would be a crime for me to not put up my Ikur dragon! Put this badass on a rug and I'd put it up on the wall right here!

1 14

Bought this dude and with my free claim & got this sick demon! Much Love for the team

13 45

We have just released our first 'Community Lore' rendition in the Dizzcord!
Introducing 'Dao Shu, The Wanderer' written by and turned into a comic strip.

Read the full story and see the full image in the Dizzcord now!


27 35

“No, I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.”
― R.A. Salvatore

Happy Earth Day Dizzys!
Peace, love, & ❤️‍🔥🐉

5 20

GM Dizzys!
Happy Saturday.
Let the good vibes roll 🎵 🐉


9 26

GM Dizzys,

Join us Today @ 4pm EST for our bi-weekly Town Hall & Chill in the Dizzcord!
We've got some exciting news to cover in just a bit.

In addition, all attendees will be able to collect our brand new Town Hall badge!
Join us:


6 10

Gotta Be They Integrate into everything so well, And don't get me started on DizzyLore these Dragons are Made for Story Telling, It would be an Honor to have them in the Meme Generator 3000....Did i mention Dizzys Love Memes 😍😍#GetDizzy

5 19

So just released sprites to be played in and I’m absolutely in love with my dragons in sprite form🐉

3 18

Got a mafia style minion from Super Bowl giveaway. Great project and awesome community.

3 19

3 extremely fucking cool new entered my skyrocket tonight 🔥

operates on a whole other dimension than the rest of this space. I'm proud to live it

4 17

Ooooooow shiiiiit 🔥🔥🔥

Just joined the crew and I could not be fucking happier about it ❤️

Very sleek👌



4 28

Just got my first Dizzy Dragon (Dizzy Dragon So happy to join this awesome community! The future looks bright for this project.

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