A throwback to 's 2020 project right when the pandemic started.

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Prompt: "starts with the letter J". I chose June, bc it's my birthday month, & the lush green everything is what I look forward to every year.

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prompt: "Quarantine Hairstyle". I'm back into this, & it gave me an opportunity to quickly practice portrait angles. 10 pts if you can guess all the knot wraps I featured!

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prompt: "daily exercise". I don't do daily exercise, let's be honest here. I feel that being inside and knowing that we can't freely be outside yet helps me enjoy indoor exercise more.

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prompt: nearby plants. My plants may not be this dense, but we have a lot for the sq ft. of our house. I wouldn't mind making a plant fort soon to get through this.

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Some fun, happy, bright for this Sunday - my sketches are up on my blog. Thanks for organizing this super fun thing https://t.co/VHCzKzZnAl

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