Stealth Hammer is back!!! We’re gearing up for a new Kickstarter launch! New artist to the project Joel Jackson is bringing a lot of passion and talent. Have so much to share with you!!!

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Had Stealth Hammer drawn by a couple artists at Baltimore Comic Con! This one was done by . Loved how he included Ari and put Stealth Hammer in this mythical landscape

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Gotta make sure you’re well nourished the day you launch the Kickstarter for your comic. Sustenance drawn by

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What do you mean the Kickstarter will be launching soon? Yep, just a little over a week away!! Ari the elf drawn by

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It was so much fun writing the banter between Jami Taylor and Ari the Elf. Here is the intro to the Kickstarter preview story beautifully drawn by ! Kickstarter coming soon!!

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Famous last words when you block a random spam number that calls you. Art by the fantastic

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The weekend is getting so close!! I think I can make it!! So tired.
Art by

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Sometimes you just have to marvel at the wonder of it all. Meet Dr. Everett Taylor, the Stealth Hammer’s father and field support. Art by the incredible

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The scene is complete!! Colors added by have really made this intense moment come to life!!

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We all have those days that make us go a bit crazy. Dr. Alexander knows this all too well...of course as will tell you, he was already halfway there.

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Getting superpowers is not always fun. The fear and anguish put into this moment by is intense!

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