"Hey!Don't play with me, give me the ice cream!" []

I decided to draw the scene when Lis says to Rod to not play with her and to give the ice cream in Ice Scream 2.

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William wants to destroy J's and Charlie's friendship?
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In reality William never wanted to destroy the friendship between J and Charlie. But Charlie understood everything wrong.

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「Sand Ninja」

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「Disarmed!When ur Chad Martial Artist meets the lowly Virgin Hungry Bandit...」

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Rod meets the special ice cream []

Image Rod Jr after he saw an ice cream that looks so tasty and he has no idea what will happen after he will eat it.

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Mike in cage: Ice Scream 4 []

Mike in cage from Ice Scream 4 , worried if J will save them all.

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Now or never []

J after he became chubby because he ate that special ice cream made by himself is ready to sacrifice his life to save his friends.

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Happy old times []

Sister Madeline with her daughter Elisa in the happy days, using the colour version.

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Still dreaming []

S.M looking at the window and how it snows.After she done to write the last birthday letter for her son, she still dreams at the day when they'll be reunited.

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