"Do you want a drink, Gyro? We have to get rid of this wine, too..."
It's a little late for the theme of the 28th, but I really wanted to participate in !! Here's a cap redraw 🍷❤️ [#jjba

13 42

[#jjba Please listen to my terrible Diego mix https://t.co/mOQvRFd2A6

135 319

[#jjba yknow like... yeehaw

20 40

I haven't changed my icon in a year and a half but I wanted to draw a lesbian flag johnny to be totally self indulgent. He cutie and he support me [#jjba

3 16

[#steelballrun] Furiously working on cosplay rn but i had to stop to draw this. It's important

107 291

[#steelballrun] I used up the last of my red posca on this drawing and frankly? It was worth it

156 318

[#steelballrun] my carapl tunnel vs my overwhelming urge to draw gyjo

190 295

[#jjba Colored this piece because it's one of my favorites

100 169