Ren won... but Kai definitely got the outfits to annoy Weisz and I just HAD to make them both! 🤣🤣 I love them so much ❤❤ my boys this was so much fun!! Big brother, little brother bonding.

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Today it's Kai's turn my love ❤

When the EZ took the twins in, Kai wanted to help somehow so he asked Witch to let him help in the kitchen & he learned many things from her. He's the only one who can cook in that family besides Weisz 🤣

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I woke up to this in my dms, with Mel saying: "Our babies" and I just HAD to color it. 😭💕

Our girls Yuna and Soval just being the cutest lil beans 😍 I'm so soft for them.

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