An interesting feature in this large anti war painting by
Anya Lauchlan is the central image of Pandora opening the box containing the seven great evils of humanity. Painted at the time of the Russian invasion, and destruction of Grozny.

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Це був мій стан на початку квітня. Здавалася, що мене накриває якась чорна хвиля найжахливішого із того, що може статися.

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Russian soldiers exploded their ammo carried from Crimea to Kherson by mistake... they should play with fireworks instead of firearms🤭

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Вискочив цей арт у мене у стрічці. Хотіла теж лайкнути, та чогось запараноїла. Ну і ось, вартість комішок у рублях🤮🤮🤮

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Full version of art for NFT museum of war by , supported by
My topic is brands that stayed in russia and continue sponsoring killing ukrainians. I hope many of them changed their opinion now.

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The war unleashed by russia in Ukraine shocked me, so I couldn't draw anything for a long time, even now I can't...
But there is such a mini art of a Ukrainian girl. I hope you like it.

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If you think the same, don't be surprised if you're next.

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honestly I don't know how to move on when everyday there's only Ukraine burning under ribs
it's already 81 day of war.

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