Stormlight Archives character sets

1517 9189
Haven't touched Stormlight fanart for a good bit. Lineart-ing Sadeas~

11 356

Third set for Stormlight Archives~

584 4584

Second set for Stormlight Archives~

866 6782

First set for Stormlight Archives~

1278 8039

I have a new Adolin Kholinar fresh from a drawing program haha. Forgive me I just love the guy.

1 3

hmmm...Adolin 1 or Adolin 2? 🤔 for by 😌 Best Kholin boi for me 😍

3 22

-Podrías ser fuego
+Soy un palo

102 451

⚠Spoilers • Rhythm of War

Trying a different style this time, I just loved Kaladin's arc in RoW

102 523

A Pair of Hooligans ft. Lift from The Stormlight Archive and Wayne from Mistborn era 2

From my collection of unfinished Cosmere-tober prompts. This one was "Heist".

✒️ Made in ClipStudio Paint

74 532

Kaladin & Syl

Been working on this on and off between projects for the past month or so. It's been 2+ years since I painted my first Kaladin so I felt it was time for an update.

408 2151

vr fast sketchy shallan i still got it fjhjkdh

0 1

"Then she smiled. Oh, storms. She smiled anyway."

288 1292

Hey, gancho! Stop your scrolling for a bit, the Lopen got you some chouta!

2 4