"Oh. Are you sure that's right? Here, you might want to count that again, a little slower this time."

Don't be dumb. Don't try and short a shark. It will end poorly.
And with that I'm technically caught up, I'll do the one for today after I get some sleep!

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"We've always had a ton of quilts. I think they were made by my grandma, I'm not sure. But I've always got at least three on the bed at any given moment, and tons of pillows. Most of it ends up on the floor by morning though, along with half my body..."

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"I don't need to spend money on pants, so my closet is full warm tops; Oversized sweaters, hoodies, sweatshirts, turtlenecks, you name it. Along with stacks upon stacks of blankets. I HATE being cold and I feel naked wearing anything without long sleeves."

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"Classical music is always an obvious choice, with some classic rock here and there, and sometimes a little alternative to top things off."

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"I really really... REALLY do not like candy corn. I'm not big on sweets anyways, but something about candy corn makes my scales crawl..."

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"Sometimes the crowded space gets to me. All the equipment and hanging clothes make me feel claustrophobic, and then my mom insists we hang on to EVERYTHING, even the broken stuff. It's just taking up space at this point and starting to driving me crazy."

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D2: Character A, Laurent Fontaine. 20-some year old black mamba, total mama's boy, bio-science enthusiast, lover of hoodies and warm clothes, hopelessly infatuated with a dumb shark boy.

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