Merry Christmas everyone!
I hope you have a wonderful time with your family and friends until the invaders from the ice world conquer our planet.

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Recién leída la magnífica de en . Escrita hace dos años, es inevitable ahora ver el paralelismo de la trama con la invasión de Ucrania. Por boca de Hal Jordan y en solo 3 viñetas expone claramente la posición de USA y UE en el conflicto.

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The next comic on the this week is by and from - BUT as this weeks list went to air I discovered this issue is delayed by 2 weeks. So make sure you pick this final issue up then ^KB

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The final book on the main GB this week is ' by and - we near the end of the series and I'm curious to see how it will all end for Adam ^KB

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The next comics the GB Pull List this week is from by and - I'm a big fan of this series and much will be revealed in this issue ^KB

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Also on the GB this week is by - I'm really enjoying this series and the wait between issues just seems so long. Great storytelling and incredible art make this a must read ^KB

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On the GB Pull List this week takes the coveted title of by & - a superb comic book series you should be reading ^KB

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The second of my two picks in the GB this week is by & - I'm loving this series and just adore the art ^KB

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The on the GB Pull List this week is by & - this is a wonderful series you should be reading ^KB

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