A toast to the StrangersNFT fam

Thanks for the support, I appreciate you

The doors to Stranger Mansion are open for the very first time, welcome to The Baller Room

Onboarding migrated Strangers as we speak

Not got a stranger? Theres still time before the real alpha drops

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Balgorn is the creature of shadow causing mayhem among the Earthlings. A bright green fire is burning down every village in the west of Aragev, melting rock, metal, and wood.

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Alrai’s magic had enabled her to leave her world behind. But in doing so, she lost the ability to use her powers. She desires to return to the cosmos. For this purpose, she must first fulfil the cause that brought her to dwell among the free folk.

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Draped in a long red and black cloak, it is not difficult to identify Midar amongst her peers. She is known to be the wisest of the Scholars. Her knowledge transcends through time, and her power grows as the evil draws closer.

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Alasmir, is known as the king of old. He was a kind and just ruler. His reign brought peace and prosperity amongst the Earthlings and the other creatures and restored order and harmony in the land of the free folk.

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