The Endar Spire from Knights of the Old Republic in with a full interior!
by drstrawberrycake

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👉想印出來的朋友,ibon取件號碼是4124809387,記得選「4x6明信片」哦☺️(列印期限至12/26 22:00)

1 10

thx for making this stream a magical strawberrycake 🥰
your sketches where sooo cuuuute and fluffy, this was my absolute fav

0 3


Here are the goals for 'Strawberry Cake' Music Video that will be released today at 6PM KST!

Let's do our best for

*This is for Youtube only. Let's continue streaming on other music platforms too!

130 290

Sorry for not active for long time. I've been very down and unmotivated to draw recently but iam back now. Hope this will longlast

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