B   I   G   G
A   N   I   M   E
B   O   O   B   A   S

E   N   O   U   G   H
S   A   I   D

で   っ   か   い
お   っ   ぺ   ぇ
描   き   ま   し   た

以       上 https://t.co/Csj2Nce5kX

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We're going live in 30 minutes!

New Starting set! Wanna hear some AMAZING Happy Hardcore / Hardcore tunes! Then you don't want to miss the start!!!




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“I know that I’m beautiful, incredible, the only one like me”

been listening to retweets on repeat the entire day and honestly it made me cry. Wendy, you’re an inspiration! looking forward to more songs from you!! 💜

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Sorry for the very short stream, but I'm not feeling the greatest!

At least we got Sunnyboy started. 🥰

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Phasmophobia today at 10pm CST! w my wonderful wussy friends. :^)

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Last night we hopped in MS Flight Simulator to... not crash & backflip 50 times over. And then we finished off with animating the LeekBonk emote (art: )! We raided the lovely !

Thank you for the raid!!♥️

3 18

Trying new things but police girl's uniform is wrong, we rolling with it tho

1 8

Drawings for purchased with the twitch channel points! Thank you for all the support!

4 13

💖🐒 Monki Family für immer 💖🐒 Eine Umarmung zwischen den Monkis musst ich natürlich zeichnen. Hoffe, es ist mir einigermaßen gelungen ^^'

11 225

Die Geste von Napier fand ich auch echt schön und sehr überraschend 😳😄. Küsschen links, Küsschen rechts 😗 🌟🌟

6 167

Ich fand den Valentinstag-Stream so schön. Musste was dazu zeichnen ^^ Ich liebe die Freundschaft zwischen Mary und Eddy so sehr <3 (..Der Hintergrund ist ein Screenshot °L°" ) 🐵 🐵

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Mary und Eddy. Ich fand das so süß mit dem Outfit :D


3 212

Streamresult is this colored sketch:

Thanks for chatting with me during the stream :D

I want to stream again on the weekend, not sure yet when but probably saturday night or sunday afternoon

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