Some profiles of my OCs from my universe Street Dogs!

Theres also more on the way! ^^

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Me: I will not ship these 2 specific characters
Also me shipping said 2 specific characters:

My OCs Riot and Danika from Street Dogs, theyre close close CLOSE friends <3

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After being stonewalled by the suits at Guinness World Records, and investigate the dark online world of their mysterious ‘Saviour Of The Streetdogs’. Who is Lord Sydney?


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Rudolph was a cross-eyed dog that lived in Chimney Pot Park. Without any reason, on occasions he would suddenly jump high into the air. Mrs Appleby, said that Rudolph must have been stung on the bottom by a wasp or bee and every time he saw one, he jumped in the air.

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A dog called Jock lived next door to us in Irlams o' th' Height in Salford. He was always sticking his nose into everything and wearing a mask would really have compromised him!

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Willy the well-known wagger, lived in Pendleton. He happily wagged around all his life and I am sure if he had the occasion to wear a mask he would have been delighted and wagged a lot more...

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