Wyrd Wed explores death this week. So let’s visit the German children’s book, ‘Struwwelpeter,’ or ‘Shockheaded Peter,’ of 1845. Tortuous amputation happens to the unruly Peter -ie for sucking his thumb -by the Scissorman! Hoffman’s book still frightens 😱#WyrdWednesday

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Los alemanes siempre han sido pioneros en educación infantil, solo hay que leer el Struwwelpeter https://t.co/fZvjhc4ub8

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Der Struwwelpeter (1895) by Heinrich Hoffmann is a German collection of rhyming cautionary tales for children. For example, a girl plays with matches & burns to death. A boy who sucks his thumb gets his thumb cut off. A boy who refuses soup starves to death.

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Children's book and the park: The English Struwwelpeter, or, Pretty stories and funny pictures, by Heinrich Hoffmann, 1909 ....... https://t.co/3WGqLZdPHM

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“spare the rod and spoil the child” and I’ve still got Grandma’s copy of Struwwelpeter😱

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Which always make me think of these illustrations from a terrifying book of my childhood...

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Childhood cautions and consequences: don’t stray from the path; don’t suck your thumb; cut your hair and nails; don’t misbehave at Christmas! (Images: The Company of Wolves/Struwwelpeter, Heinrich Hoffman/Krampus print, artist unknown)

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Hoffmann’s “Der Struwwelpeter,” from 1845, is a terrifying, German children’s book. In moralizing tales, children are gravely punished for “bad” deeds —like “shaggy Peter’s” hygiene, & thumb-sucking! 😂Chilling images were burned into kids’ memories forever. 📚

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Danger from magical creatures, animals, beastly humans + a moral lesson: Charles Perrault's fairytales may have inspired moralistic Victorian children’s tales like Struwwelpeter & The Tribulations of Tommy Tiptop:beastly behaviour in children leads to a bad end

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Der Struwwelpeter é um livro infantil bem tradicional na Alemanha cheio d histórias bizaaaarras.

Gostei tanto q quero fazer minha versão d algumas. Vou conseguir? Mt provavelmente não.

Mas a capa ta aqui (com o txt inglês mas o nome original dele é Struwwelpeter mesmo)

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7. der struwwelpeter - heinrich hoffmann (1845)

this deserves a special mention of its own. a classic 'behave or this bad thing will happen to you' type book for kids. some examples to follow...

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The Influence of Struwwelpeter, a collection of cruel and frightening stories written and illustrated by Dr. Heinrich Hoffmann in 1844.
Source: https://t.co/ph03IlWXDd

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by Heinrich Hoffmann is a collection of moral tales from 1845.

The stories end with horrendous consequences for naughty children like the boy who wouldnt stop sucking his thumbs so they were cut off.

Its a favourite from my childhood.

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Struwwelpeter? (The head not the nails?)

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Der Struwwelpeter” (1845) by Heinrich Hoffmann.

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Me animei com o Struwwelpeter e, pra começar 2020 bem, ilustrei um conto fofinho dos Grimm. ❤️ (continua na thread)

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Struwwelpeter, the terrifying book of cautionary tales for children, what happens if you suck your thumb, or refuse to eat your dinner, it's all here in gory detail to terrify and delight

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