Eliz wanted to see foxxian munching on noodleji's horn stubs

I just couldn't really make it work with teeny tiny stubs so I had to make them regular sized😥, but hope you still like it🙇‍♀️ https://t.co/U63988MrKh

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Scooped FOW3 into my mobile wallet so I can get some stubs while at work. LFG

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- Transmissions from parallel stubs…

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Big shoes tiny tiny stubs

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2023 - 2013
honestly the thing that keeps my motivation up, cause WHAT THE HELL IS THAATTT


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Episode 61

Stormtalon Falls

Strata joins the fight after doing some important research. But can a divided party stand up against these impossible odds?

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Chibi = stubsnohandsanatomylessmaldingyes(´ཀ`」 ∠): 3

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is definitely my favourite The vibe, the looks, outfit and even the unshaved stubs are just how I will look like as an ape.

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My Frosty is a puppy trapped in a wolf's body x3 a complete doofus, spunky, excited about every little thing, and stubs her little toe bean too much because she doesn't watch where she's going xDD

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Episode 56

The Bane of Riverbed

An Ancient Green Dragon reveals herself, as ruin falls on the city of Briarcliff Gardens. Can The Six defeat Poisona and save the day?

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My fingers have worn down to stubs but it's gonna be worth it

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Here’s some hand stubs and some susy sketch

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Mikey cut off Handy's Stubs!

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Episode 54

The Grand Ball of Briarcliff

The Six mingle with the Lords and Ladies of Umbra as they attend the Grand Ball of Briarcliff.

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takeshi todo: *stubs his toe on like a brick or something*
takeshi todo:

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I got inspired by ’s au and made my own interpretation of Ritsu! He’s basically the same, just has stubs lol.
I might make more art for this au in the future!

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Patreon is here for you! or stubstack. or USPS.

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Episode 53


The Six finally get back together again in Briarcliff. But can these broken relationships be repaired?

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