The enemy Multi changes color upon hit! Manage your color shots quickly to win! ^^

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5 point field zone! The higher risk, the greater reward! ^^

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The protagonist from Stupid Stones Adventure! ^^

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Early concepts for "Spike Crash" stone, also known as the "El Diablo" stone! ^^

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"Stony"! This bad ass enemy stone grows in size upon hit! Shoot fast or fail! ^^

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Paratrooper stones, part of the elite unit in the invading army of Stupid Stones!:)

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Beware! Cannon stone updated! Looks better, shoots faster and crashes harder! :P

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This boss is carrying nothing but trouble!Packed with fire power and serving stones!

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Some concepts for the bad ass rock "Stony"! Tough stone that won't shatter easy! ;)

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Trouble is swaying down your way! Paratrooper stones!

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Watch out! This stone fires right back at ya! :)!

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Yep, we got a Zombie stone! Gotta have it, gotta like it! Which concept is your fav?

4 2

First boss concept with colors! This bad rock changes color and crashes down on you!

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"Armor Madly" stone. Which one of the concepts is your favorite? :)

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Some concepts of the first boss in Stupid Stones. Commander of the "Madly" stones!

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Madly in a snake pattern! Match the colors & shoot it before it reach the ground!

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