甘い血 💖
Been really into making things glow lately~
She's cropped. Full version is on my Ko-fi

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💖 Online Pop-up shop Grand Opening! 💖
💔Currently Worldwide shipping is unavailable💔
Shop will go live at 10am EST on Friday and end 11:30pm EST Sunday evening. Limited stock and once it's gone it's gone! 💖

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💖 Pink Black Split 🖤
Been dealing with quite a lot and just trying to hold my ground. Shop is and will remain CLOSED until I am healthy enough to work again. ✌🏾 💖

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This art is 2 years old. 💀 I'm still recovering from my surgery so there won't be anything new from me for a long long while, so for now I'll be sharing old but finished works.

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Duality 🦷👁
As some of you may know, my health has been awful these past few weeks.
If you would like to help please consider donating/sharing to my gofundme: https://t.co/Hyv98TbWjY

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💖 She has arrived 💖
Will be working on packaging pre-orders and sending them out ASAP! Once all orders have been shipped, remaining pins will be put up for sale~

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More Symbi Crossing doodles, featuring made-up villagers in her town.
Inspired by some of my plush animals, favorite things and creatures!
Who would you want to move into your town? 💖

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Only 1 day left to pledge to the Symbi backpack kickstarter! 😱
Pledge before time runs out 💖!: https://t.co/9WETNn5Rzl

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2 days left to pledge!
Check out my Instagram for the speed draw of this Symbi doodle! App is ibisPaint
Link to kickstarter right here!: https://t.co/9WETNn5Rzl

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4 days left until the Symbi backpack kickstarter ends!
Head over to my instagram see the process video of this Symbi doodle. https://t.co/B0hQXMPdaC
I love drawing Symbi looking cuddly and pudgy 💖🐻
Link to kickstarter!: https://t.co/9WETNn5Rzl

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A tribute to a soul who I never knew would impact my heart and the hearts of many others. 🌠💖
A star who inspired many to want to create galaxies, just like you.
May you find peace and happiness wherever your sparkling stars shine.

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This illustration was made exclusively for The Symbi KS and is available in 3 ways! Pledge to ensure that you don't miss out on owning this limited piece. You can pledge now and you will not be charged until the KS end date March 7th! https://t.co/9WETNn5Rzl 💖

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