# nft

Sugoroku art NFT

【6th Round 】
It's so loud!
That's the best part of live music.
I love it.


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Sugoroku art NFT

【4th Round 】
I think I might like the sound of the guitars in this band.
It's starting to get a little fun.


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Sugoroku art NFT

【2nd Round 】
So this is a penlight.
Might be a little fun waving this around at a live concert.


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8th Round !

The blue was strong to the end! He's the only one to reach the finish line!
Why did purple get distracted at the end!
They all fought well until the end✨.


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7th Round !

And here comes the blue! No decline in power!
The next race will surely decide the outcome.
How many of you can reach the goal?


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6th Round !

Blue still tops the list! However, his clothes are tattered and his face is scarred.
Isn't he nearing the end of his rope?
As early as two more rounds, the game will be decided!


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5th Round !

We've got a big battle on our hands!
I hope "Yellow" and "Pink" , they win clothes!
and, "Blue" win head!


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4th Round !

Blue! You're finally showing signs of fatigue! The pace is dropping rapidly.
Red has the impression of holding a good position while steadily collecting parts.
What do you think is going to happen next?


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3rd Round !

Red and yellow, have you been hanging around the same place for a long time? Please don't say, "Let's finish together!"
Blue is on his own! Will any player be able to catch up?


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2nd Round !

3 players got "Koban Eye" !
And Blue's speed is amazing! He's running in another dimension, and he's completely on his own.
Pink is looking comfortable! The game has only just begun✨


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1st Round !

It's been a bumpy ride!
Four out of five of you rolled a one!
Meanwhile, the only one who managed to escape was "Blue"! And he's got the "Koban eye", the most popular item this time!
Will Blue be the sole winner at this point?

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