Summer Job Critters are here! I’m starting with Delivery Raccoon, he’s working the late shifts and trying to save money, but between gas and energy drinks it’s kinda riff. At least he saves on food by eating the day old leftovers (*´﹃`*)

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Making summer plans? We are looking for awesome undergrad and graduate students to join us remotely this summer as Research Assistants. Apply by May 5: Check out what others have said about their time with us:

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Long story short I've been obsessed with the summer job crossover au, so i had to draw something for it! XD

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Kara has summerjob as a life guard on the beach.

Thanks for tv show Friends I got to know there is beach tv show BayWatch x'D

drawn traditional, colored digital.

character © haitchu & tardelia from our comic Aarrevaara

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I started at my summerjob and I'm really tired all the time, but i managed to get some traditional art done ☆

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Small break for plein air painting during lunch. A joy and a mini meditation while munching on baloney sandwiches. •••

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