Final stretch.
Last chance.
Less than two hours to go.

Get the Summer of '85 Harringrove zine now - link in bio!

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Calling all content creators! If you are an artist or author, and want to participate in the Summerof85zine, official signs ups start today!

Check out our tumblr for more information! 😊

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We heard from a little birdie that you wanted some goodies? If that's true, then help a team out and hop on over to Tumblr to cast your votes!!

(Thanks goes to granpappywinchester for our cute tapeboys)

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Our Tapeboys think you should totally take a look at the team behind the summerof85 harringrove zine! If you're curious about who the folks behind the curtain are, head on over to our Tumblr and check it out!

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