Most viewed post on this week: Pumpkin Soup by
is a popular at this time of year. The cosy cabin in the woods is one of my favourite illustrations🎃

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Rat Pits, Rat Baiting, and American Sportsman Ki tBurns - were an infamous form of entertainment that people like Christopher Keyburn promoted. Commonly known by his alias Kit Burns, ...

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is excited to be the first stop on & 🐻
John joined us to tell us about his favourite bears. Is your favourite bear on his list?

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Independence Day: Fourth of July Bostonians Memories - In 1899 The Boston Globe recalled or celebrations remembered by Bostonians from years earlier. These memories ...

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Independence Day: Fourth of July Bostonians Memories - In 1899 The Boston Globe recalled or celebrations remembered by Bostonians from years earlier. These memories ...

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Most viewed post on this week: SUPERHEROES DON’T GET SCARED by &
This fabulously empowering, humorous helps reassure children that it’s ok to be scared sometimes🦸‍♀️

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Most viewed post on this week: Prince Cinders by
isn’t your archetypal dashing prince (unlike his large, hairy brothers) but with the help of a dirty fairy he does get his happy ending 🪄

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Most viewed post on this week: Prince Cinders by
isn’t your archetypal dashing prince (unlike his 3 large hairy brothers) but with the help of a dirty fairy he does get his happy ending!

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Most viewed post on this week: Dodos ARE NOT EXTINCT by 🦤
Quaggas wearing sweaters & pants. Hairy mammoths with razors. Are these animals really extinct? Or just well disguised...

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Most viewed on this week: My Naughty Little Sister by &
I adored the stories when I was a child. captured her cross face perfectly!

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Justice John Byles: Some of His Interesting Court Cases - Justice studied law in Britain in the 1820s and 30s and became a member of the Inner Temple, a professional body that provides legal ...

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Most viewed post on this week: Each Peach Pear Plum by Janet & Allan Ahlberg
I've read so many times that I almost know it off by heart!

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Canada Bill: William Jones Confidence Artist - Chances are you even if you’ve heard of Wild Bill Hickok or Buffalo Bill, you haven’t heard of He wasn’t famous like either of those ...

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Tarring and Feathering Attacks in America - Although the phrase appears to have originated just prior to the American Revolution, the practice was much older having first happened in Europe. One of the ...

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Most viewed post on this week: Learning with Mr Willowby’s Christmas Tree by
We had fun making different crafts for this We even did a puppet show 🎄

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Most viewed post on this week: Pumpkin Soup by
Cat, Squirrel & Duck make pumpkin soup every day. Each has their own job but one day Duck decides he wants to do things differently... 🎃

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Most viewed post on this week: Pumpkin Soup by
Cat, Squirrel & Duck's teapot house is one of my favourite illustrations 🧡

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Spiritualism: A Religious Movement of the 1800s - was a religious movement that first appeared in the 1840s. It happened in upstate New York in what was called the “Burned-over ...

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Peter Williamson aka “Indian Peter” of the - Peter Williamson, also known as “#IndianPeter,” was a Scottish memoirist who was part showman, part entrepreneur and inventor. He ...

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Hyde Park: Interesting Incidents in the 1700s - was established by Henry VIII in 1536 and opened to the public in 1637 where it quickly became popular. Major improvements to the park ...

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