Retour sur l’année 2015 avec la série avec et
Les personnages sont poignants notamment Kim Do-Hyeong interprété avec brio par Kim Mu-Yeol

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솔직히...어느 부분이 생일 축전인가 싶지만
(심지어 하나도 안 닮았지만......)
이건 생축전이 맞아요. 내가 맞다면 맞는거야
생일..생신 축하드립니다🎉🎉

8 20

코리아 섹시 기타리스트 손성희 생일을 축하합니다💕🎸🎉🎂🔥

29 38

코섹기 손성희 생일😻🎸🎸

22 34

//repost for color adjustment//

Photo study & reference

I wasn't able to source the image (rip). The model might be named Kim SungHee, but I haven't been able to confirm.

2 7

. I just saw Space Sweepers webtoon on Daum webtoon. I wonder if Sullivan is your character in the movie. Yes or No?

12 41

Ko Sunghee 💕💕 Prosecutor Shin 💕💕💕

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